
SAT BIO 800 What was your strategy?

1) Get a review book. I recommend Princeton Review. My teacher had let me borrow a review book for a day because I wanted to look through it before buying one (I believe the one she lent me was made be REA). I tried studying a section, and it took me almost 1 hour to do only six pages. Today I went to the store, and looked through the review books. The one that I liked the best was Princeton Review. I had heard good things about it. When I got home today, I started doing the same topic I tried to study in the other book, and I was able to get through half the section (about 10 pages) in only 45 minutes (I was taking notes on looseleaf at the same time, so that’s pretty good). It even has “Quick Quizzes” after each set of 2 or 3 pages, so you can make sure you are absorbing what you are learning. So, try to get Princeton Review. If not, I hear good things about Kaplan’s. Try that, maybe.

2) Take a practice test from the review book. This will show you which topics you need to concentrate on most. For me, it’s ecology, since we have yet to even cover this in biology (I’m in honors bio too).

3) Concentrate on the sections that you didn’t do so well on in the test. Try taking notes on looseleaf or in a notebook, and paraphrase what it says in the book (i.e., write it in different words, use charts, etc.). This really helps you memorize, since not only are you seeing it, but you are writing it too.

4) Go back and study other topics. If you really know what you are studying, skim through the reading and do the Quick Quizzes or other questions. SPEND THE MOST TIME ON THE THINGS YOU DON’T KNOW. I can’t emphasize that enough. Don’t study things that you already remember perfectly from biology.

5) Take another practice test. Once again see what you are doing badly on, and try to re-study this/these section(s).

6) Take one more practice test! Sparknotes offers 1 free practice test, so try there. (They also have a free study guide online, so you can use that for some reinforcement.)

May 28, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Connections Between Society and BNW (Brave New World)?

Before and After Ford.

Novel ‘ Brave New World ‘ is a book with science advancement and not only the life which the human being are materialized but  also the life which is mentally completely controlled to a standard. The society as a whole is beautifully operated, providing individuals in compliance with the force of science creates. The happy completely satisfied Utopia is a talked hereupon. As a kind of a future scientific novel the kinds of meaning and this world is expect to be probably not, which proceeds in the scientific development. Ecosystem which leads a serious environmental contamination, inhuman actual condition also the same social problem is included even on the actual condition outside which is unusual weather etc. physical and direct. The development of science bears and when seeing with problem points, us the future society and makes the appearance make which is melancholy is from the New World which the `is more beautiful this year more and ‘ the map does not know. The future society of this novel inside more is having the feature of few thing but. The manufacture which `human beings is standardized rightly ‘ comes and “to make go to extremes is to be a society `which is stabilized. These knead development of science and, they are results which are negative. This book leads and I feeling four times where the science advances with the extreme is extremely pursues the convenience of the human being the society is the human being has and misses a beautiful mind assuredly and holds but the development of the case science which will overlook this is made to think that means that becomes the poison the profit knows in the human being and, is a thing.

May 21, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

“Dracula’s Guest” and Dracula.

Q: Compare the chapter “Dracula’s Guest” with the published version of Stoker’s work. What is similar to Dracula? What is different? What elements of the Gothic genre can be found in this piece? Is it better or worse than the published version? Explain.

A: okay, so who is Dracula’s Guest? Well, that won’t really be a good answer to this question haha. Well,  the movie Dracula actually very different from the book Dracula. And by the way I think the Dracula’s guest is Renfield. The movie and the book I think had all the Gothic elements but it seemed that the purpose of Renfield was quite different. He is portrayed to be a landlord or something and becomes crazy and now Johnathan is replacing for him. But it all depends on your movie taste, because I thought it was, no offense, very pathetic. I mean obviously the movie version is much shorter and less detailed. But what can you say. It is a movie. A rather cliche one.

May 15, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

AP. Adavanced Placement bibi(:



YAY!!!!!!!!!! AP IS OVER.


hahaha. I have to now watch like 3 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, 10 episodes of Trauma, 5 episodes of Miami Medical, 2 episode each for Gossip Girl and 90210. I love watching these.

You don’t have to think, you don’t have to talk. You just watch and get into your own world with the fictional characters.

That’s the beauty of TV shows. The scriptors write with themes that are not only interesting but are around you.

You are like another character in that particular story. Oh! another beauty is that you you visually see it.

May 10, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.