Final Blog Post: reflect on what you have learned this year in class

Learning to Learned.

What I have learned this year in class?

Well, I would have to say I learned to read more books that are not really the genre I like. I mean, like, I normally wouldn’t pick up Dracula or like Grendel or even Beowulf of library nor bookstore selves. I like going to bookstores or even the library to read books regarding the genre I like. Fiction books that are based on society today. Like 1Q84. Anyways, this year have been a learned to make another adjustments regarding my lifestyle. I realized how “unfit” I am at writing. My grammar is way out of line. I mean, you would even notice right now. My grammar just sucks. In fact that I have never learned how to read and write English in America. It’s not as good as people I hang around with. Especially, with some friends, I feel I am way behind. And well, I blame the fact on myself since first of all, I don’t read as much as I did 3 years ago. 3 years ago, I would have read over a hundred books. From novels to cook books anything available. But since then, I my love towards books have quite disappeared. I should say… And now I barely, rarely read books. I read like what one every 3 months. Like 4 novels per year (without the novels we read at school).

Oh and regarding the books, I also learned this year to prepare for discussions. I mean like in table groups discussion with your peers and how to even lead a discussion. At the beginning of the year I had no idea how to lead discussions. I mean, it was us, students, standing where Ms. P is. And that is like a jump from middle to high school. A whole new? level?? anyways, I think this year I learned to challenge myself and learned how to lead discussions. I have learned a lot from the student led discussions. Looking at how my peers and I make mistakes made me realize the wrong? factors and how it feels like to be in both teachers and student’s shoes.

Well, I like 2010 English F block and will miss it!

June 3, 2010. Uncategorized.

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